
Birds & the bees...

No...I'm not talking about that awkward chat you have with your parents when you hit the age of 15 (eeekk!). I'm talking about Burt's Bees natural products. I've just tested out their Handbag Essentials pack which includes a therapeutic hand cream, a cuticle cream, a lip shimmer and a bonus nail file. Definitely handbag essentials FABs! Okay, so the hand cream doesn't smell good enough to eat, but I'm so over using products that smell delicious and do absolutely nothing for me. The hand cream is soft and doesn't leave that "oh I just decided to dip my hands in oil" feel.

I'm a gal that looks after my nails, but have you ever noticed after washing your face that your hands and cuticles dry up? It's such a drag and I don't always have a hand cream on standby. Hello cuticle cream! It's literally a little pot of gold that you rub on your cuticles. But more importantly it doesn't feel oily (I hate that).

I would say the lip shimmer is more of a hydrating lip tint, which is a cute little add to a natural look! And if you're a lover of their lip balm, you need to invest in one of these babies!

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