
Work that hair out...

I'm a regular at the gym. I do love a good workout, sweating out toxins, getting my heart rate up, and knowing I've burnt a few calories here and there definitely helps! One thing that seems to stump me is my hair. I always like it tied back, out of my face and secure, but I find it so boring working the same gym up-do. So, I've decided to try out a few for you.

Braid it
Tonight, I got my french on...french braid that is, however I did rough up the front a bit so I didn't look so 'girly'. I must admit, I felt a little bit like Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider!

Put a knot in it
We had the most beautiful weather in Sydney over the weekend and I thought I should take advantage of it. I went for a bay run and whipped my hair up into a top knot. At first it didn't go so well because I was jumping up and down so much...but, I then secured it with another twist of the elastic. Instant face lift!

Just horsing around
The classic gym girl hair-do' is probably the ponytail, yes? Oh, I do love a great ponytail NNNAAAYYY! Change things up a little, wear it high like Gwyneth, or low like Lauren and see what suits.You could even take things further and add braid the front of your hair, then tie it all into a ponytail. So boxer-girl chic!

Don't be shy to play around with hair accessories too. I love wearing headbands to the gym!

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