
Dry Me...

Dry Shampoo is going to become your best friend after reading this, I guarantee it. Have you heard of dry shampoo??? This style of shampoo is a super-fine powder that comes in spray-on, dust-on and shake-on forms.

Normal shampoo we use in the shower, while singing, removes the sebum (natural oils) from your hair, and all the dirt and styling products that you've used. Rather, dry shampoo absorbs the sebum, then simply brushes it out, leaving hair clean and fresh. Yes, *OMG face* is needed!

Why use it?

1# When we straighten our hair or achieve a great blow dry, you want to make it last as long as possible so you’re not over doing it with heat styling. By dusting on some dry shampoo, you're allowing your hair to last straighter for longer.

2# Using dry shampoo an extra day between shampoos allow for your hair's natural oils to make their way to the ends of the hair (root to tip). This is especially helpful for those with curly, thick or coarse hair.

3# Do you have bangs? Your fringe gets more oily than other parts of your hair because it constantly comes into contact with the oils from your forehead. A spray of dry shampoo will solve this problem, allowing you to achieve the wispy fringe trend. 

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