
Justine Davis...

A casual stroll down Crown Street gets me in all kinds of trouble...I can't help myself! Usually it's about rummaging through pre-loved garments, however my attention was elsewhere on my last visit. I walked into +Estate of Mind, a store that sells eccentric, edgy and daring labels. Now, my obsession and love for all things leather is nothing new to you, however I have been in the market for a leather top. I've found it! The search is over (I know you were worried too)! I purchased this Justine Davis Aponi leather crop...definitely worth the $130!

Shop 34, 277 Crown Street, Surry Hills, Sydney


  1. Just discovered your blog through instagram. You have great style girl, loving the top too, can't wait to see how you style it!


    1. Hi there! You're so sweet! I'm currently checking out your blog, love your style too! I'm going to follow you now. xS
