
Boy Friendly...

Ever had that awkward moment when your makeup rubs off on your man...or guy you've just met?! Well, I've decided we need to start wearing boyfriend friendly makeup and take one for the team! It's pretty well known guys like girls who don't wear too much makeup...so why don't we go for that barely-there-natural-I-totally-just-woke-up-like-this look? Sound complicated? It's NOT!


Tip 1# Instead of a foundation opt for a tinted moisturiser

Tip 2# Swap your powder blush for a cream one

Tip 3# Say goodbye to lip sticks (they aren't great when you're keen for a smooch!) and apply a smooth balm or lip stain.

Tip 4# If you're still pretty set on wearing eyeliner, can I suggest a long-lasting one?

Tip 5# Let's apply a waterproof mascara. That way it won't flake off or smudge under the eye.

You're man will thank you for it. Actually, they probably won't notice, but isn't that the point?


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