I'm speaking the language of hair, eyes and dry skin this week. We want our luscious curls (that we spent time and care on) to last longer. Improve or avoid the look of wrinkles and expression lines around the eye area. Not to mention keeping our skin soft and moisturized during these freezing temps! But, the thing I avoid, in regards to the beauty world, is the bullshit. Let's get real, so many beauty peeps say, "try this product, it really works", so why should you listen to me? Well, frankly I'm like you, I'm an ordinary girl trying to do extraordinary things, doing her best to look the goods...and my reputation is on the line here!
So, when I recommend a product I'm 100% sure you will benefit from it! Just like these three I'm about to tell you about...
Goldwell has created a styling lotion that holds your curls. I've been using this for quite sometime. Simply spray on the piece of hair you're about to curl and continue to do this. But, don't just spray your whole head in the stuff. I like doing it piece by piece to receive the full benefits!
Goldwell Style Curl Twist Around |
I'm 22-years-old and even I worry about lines and wrinkles. I've been using eye creams since I was 18. In my opinion, it's never too early (well...15 is a little too early) to start fighting the signs of ageing. The eye area is usually the first sign of ageing (and the neck), so it's important to make sure the eye area is hydrated at all times. But, it's just not enough! We need to step it up with botox...what? Sorry I meant
Ultraceuticals Ultra A Eye Cream. Let's put down the needles FABs and start trying some breakthrough formula.
Have you heard of Bambi? No, not the cartoon animal. I mean the model to watch, Melbourne-bred Bambi Northwood-Blyth. She has a unique look and recently shared her beauty secrets with UK Grazia. revealing
Bio Oil as one of her fashion week essentials. " I sleep with Bio-Oil on my face and body at night — that helps to even skin tone and keep my skin hydrated," she said. If it's good enough for her, it's definitely good enough for us normal folk! I've started using it at night and applying it to my body as well. It's cheap and has a multitude of purposes.